In This Ravishing World, by Nina Schuyler

In This Ravishing World , by Nina Schuyler, is a collection of nine short stories that successfully connect a diverse cast of characters around the central theme of how people view nature and climate change. Each story is told from a different point of view, and Nature also weighs in as a voice. These people differ greatly in age and walks of life, as do their perceptions about our global problem that needs urgent attention. There is both despair and hope in these beautifully written stories, along with some thought provoking ideas. It’s not often that I read short story collections, but I was impressed with how well this author wove her characters into each other’s lives to varying degrees, and how nicely the last story provided such a harmonious, joyful, and hopeful feeling. Overall, these stories form an inspirational narrative. I would recommend this collection to anyone. Thank you to Netgalley and Regal House Publishing for this most enjoyable experience. __...